
How to Improve Broadband Speeds

September 5, 2024

A Braw guide from your pals at BrawBand

I think we can all agree that there’s nothing more infuriating than trying to stream your favourite show, only to be stuck watching the wee buffering wheel spin like it’s doing a Highland fling. Fear not, friends! We’re here to tell you our top tips on how to improve your broadband speeds, so you can stream to your heart's content. 

Tip 1: Give your router the VIP treatment

You should treat your router like your maw treats your “lovely” drawing you did in P4 and keep it on the fridge for the world to see. Just kidding, don’t do that. But it should be front and centre – none of this hiding it away in a cupboard nonsense! Stick it in the middle of your house, like the living room or hallway, so the Wi-Fi can reach every nook and cranny.

Keep the router out in the open, far from anything that could block the signal. And whatever you do, don’t put it behind the telly – give it some breathing room!

Go high or go home: pop your router on a shelf or wall mount it to give the signal a better reach. Don’t leave it lying on the floor like a forgotten pair of wellies – get it up high so it can shine like the wee star it is.

Keep your router away from other electronics that might cause interference. Your microwave might heat up your haggis, but it’ll murder your Wi-Fi signal if it’s too close. Same goes for cordless phones, baby monitors, and even that fancy new smart fridge. 

Tip 2: Keep your router’s noggin’ sharp

Your router’s brain (a.k.a. firmware) needs a wee update now and then to keep things running smoothly. Check for any updates from the manufacturer and get them installed. It’s like giving your router a fresh cuppa – it’ll perk right up. A cuppa solves all problems, we’re convinced. 

Tip 3: Expand your Wi–Fi’s horizons

If your Wi-Fi doesn’t reach the loft or the far end of the house, it’s time to consider a Wi-Fi extender or a mesh system. A Wi-Fi extender boosts the signal to those tricky spots, while a mesh system spreads strong Wi-Fi throughout your home like Lurpak on a hot tattie scone. Perfect for big houses or places with walls as thick as your Granny’s porridge. (Psst… our The Belter! package comes with a mesh pod.)

Tip 4: Don’t let old devices hold you back

It’s not you, it’s your devices. If everyone’s online at once – streaming, gaming, blethering – it can slow things down. And if you’re still using that old laptop from ten years ago, it’s like trying to run a marathon in wellies. Make sure your devices aren’t past their prime, or they could be holding back your connection. 

Tip 5: Upgrade your router

If your router’s been around longer than your favourite band, it might be time for a new one. Newer routers come with better technology, like Wi-Fi 6, which can handle faster speeds, more devices, and less interference. It’s a bit like trading in your old banger for a brand-new car – suddenly, everything just works better. Not to toot our own horn (again), but our The Belter! package comes with a Wi–Fi 6 router. Just sayin’. 

Improving your broadband speeds doesn’t need to be a chore. You just need to give it some love. 
