Acceptable Use Policy

1. Introduction

For the Internet to operate in a manner that satisfies the majority of its users, we ask all end-users to observe some rules and etiquette governing their use of it. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is adhered to. BrawBand’s AUP is based on current ‘best Internet industry practice’ and draws on the collective experience of users and service providers across the Internet community. We may change the AUP from time to time. To make the most of the guidance contained in the AUP, please keep up to date with changes and look at them on a regular basis. Compliance with this Acceptable Use Policy is a contractual requirement. If you fail to do so, your services may be suspended or terminated.

2. A Guide to avoiding abuse while connected to the Internet

Software updates 

The majority of BrawBand’s online customers will be using commercial software to connect to and navigate the Internet. End-users should ensure that the software in use is up to date. We recommend that updates are automatically installed as and when they are made available. For historic updates across all browsers, please visit the software vendor’s website.

Legal compliance 

The Internet is a global medium and is regulated by the laws of many different countries. Material which is illegal in this country may be legal in another, and vice versa. As a user in this country, for example, you should not access sites carrying child pornography, hard-core pornography, or incitement to violence. These are just three examples of unlawful material and there are many others. When you visit a website, a copy of the visited pages is stored on your pc in the web browser’s cache files. Storage of illegal material in this way may well constitute a criminal offence. 

While connected to the Internet, users must comply with legal requirements concerning telephone network misuse. Set out below is an extract from the Telecommunications Act (2003). Network misuse is a serious criminal offence which can lead to fines and/or imprisonment.

Telecommunications Act (2003) 

Improper use of public telecommunication system: A person who: – sends by means of a public communication system, a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character; or – sends by those means, for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another, a message that he knows to be false or persistently makes use for that purpose of a public telecommunication system, shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or a fine, or both. 

Avoiding abuse while connected to the Internet

Taking the following steps should help users to protect themselves from becoming a victim of abuse while connected to the Internet. Ensure that you are running a good quality virus detection application. The majority of these applications have the ability to detect hacker attempts as well as viruses. Hackers are people who try to hack into your computer to either cause mischief or find your passwords and usernames. You should be aware that some hackers can seriously damage your computer system and any other associated network. If you keep sensitive information on your computer, we recommend using encryption software to protect it.

While connected, do not publicise your IP address. This is the unique ID that your ISP allocates to you while you are connected to the Internet. This is especially important if you are using applications such as CHAT, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) or video conferencing using a directory service.

The number of untrusted applications will continue to grow exponentially. Be careful what you install on PCs, tablets, laptops and mobile phones. Before installing software of unknown origin, ask yourself whether you trust the writer/source. Most computer viruses and Trojans are installed unknowingly while installing shareware or freeware applications that are supposedly designed to make your life easier. If in doubt, don’t do it.

Sharing logon details

BrawBand prohibits users from sharing details.

Port scanning

BrawBand prohibits the use of port scanning software on any of our services

Sharing Internet access on a Private Network 

Some methods of sharing Internet access or applications expose your external Internet connection to other Internet users and enable them to send unsolicited bulk emails via your computer (known as SPAM), or to launch Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks from your home network. As BrawBand does not block any ports it is vital that end-users configure their networks securely. Customers are fully responsible for the security of their own home network and can obtain advice on this from their preferred IT Services Provider. BrawBand has a number of recommended providers (‘BrawBuddies’) who can provide support to customers.

Copyright Infringement

All material published must be owned by the publisher or the appropriate releases must have been obtained prior to publishing. Downloading of film or other content which does not have appropriate permissions from the copyright owner is illegal. BrawBand will co-operate with all agencies attempting to assert their rights in these matters.

3. Internet access – Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) 


BrawBand’s relationships with its Partners, other networks, and ultimately its connectivity to the rest of the Internet, require its customers to behave responsibly. Accordingly, BrawBand cannot permit irresponsible which could damage these relationships, BrawBand’s network or the use of the Internet by others.

Usage Limits and Restrictions

BrawBand’s products are not subject to allowances or data transfer caps. However, parts of the network are shared between users and any irresponsible or highly excessive usage by one customer will be investigated to ensure that the quality of service delivered to all customers can be maintained. If a customer is transferring extremely large quantities of data on a regular basis we will, wherever possible, make adjustments to the network to prevent this from impacting other users. If such adjustments are not technically possible BrawBand reserves the right to limit the customer’s bandwidth or to move them to a more suitable and uncontended service which may have a higher cost.
