
The Best Broadband for Working From Home

September 5, 2024

Keepin’ your Wi-Fi braw and your boss happy: the best broadband for working from home

Right, let’s have a chat about working from home. It’s all the rage these days – who wouldn’t want to roll outta bed and straight into a Zoom call in their pyjamas? But if your broadband’s playing up, you might as well be working from a tattie. We’re here to help you avoid that catastrophe and make sure your work-from-home setup is smoother than a fresh pint of lager. 

Ain’t nobody got time for buffering

If you’re uploading files, video conferencing, trying to keep your spreadsheets from looking like a glitchy mess, or skiving, you need a broadband connection that’s like Speedy Gonzales.

Sorry, did we say skiving? We meant “being super productive.”

For most work-from-home warriors, our The Bairn package should do the trick. This’ll handle video calls, file transfers, and streaming without turning yer workday into a slideshow. 

If you've got multiple people in the household all using the internet at the same time, or if your work involves heavy-duty uploads and downloads, go for The Pure Rapid One. BrawBand’s got speeds that’ll make your connection so quick, you’ll think the internet’s been on the ‘roids. 

However, if your household’s got more folk working from home than a sheepdog’s got sheep, we recommend going for our best package – The Belter. You’ll need all the speed you can get to keep things running smoothly and to avoid anyone getting their knickers in a twist over slow internet speeds.

Reliability: the backbone of remote work

Imagine you're in the middle of the meeting of your career and, bang, your internet drops out. It’s like having a sudden guest appearance by Murphy’s Law. To avoid this kind of nightmare, you need a broadband connection that’s as reliable as your favourite pair of slippers (We’re talking about us, Brawband).

Join the BrawBand family today, and make working from home a breeze. No more internet woes, no more stress – just a smooth, productive workday, drinking endless cups of tea, wearing comfy clothes and listening to your favourite tunes while working away. We’re not jealous at all. 

Nope, not even the slightest bit jealous. 

Us? Jealous? Hah!
