
What is Fibre Broadband?

September 5, 2024

Fibre broadband is the Usain Bolt of internet connections. It’s fast, reliable, and doesn’t slow down when every man and his dog decides to stream their favourite show at the same time. But what makes fibre broadband so special? It all comes down to the cables that deliver the internet to your home.

Fibre optic cables: the magic behind the speed

At the heart of fibre broadband are fibre optic cables. These aren’t your ordinary cables – no, no. They’re made of thin strands of glass or plastic, each about the thickness of a human hair. These strands carry data in the form of light, allowing information to travel at nearly the speed of light. Aye, it’s like having your very own beam of sunshine bringing the internet straight to your door!

How does it work?

Light speed: fibre optic cables transmit data using light signals. This allows for much faster speeds than the old copper wires used in traditional broadband, which relied on electrical signals.

Less interference: because fibre optic cables use light, they’re not as susceptible to interference as copper cables. This means a more stable and reliable connection, even during peak times.

Long-distance champ: fibre optic cables can carry data over long distances without losing speed or quality, making them perfect for connecting remote areas to high-speed internet. We’re talking about you, teuchters! 

Long story short: 

Fibre optic cables = good

Copper cables = bad

How does it get to my home?

Funny you should ask! At BrawBand, we use Fibre to the Home (FTTH), where the fibre optic cables come directly to your home. There’s no copper involved, just pure fibre goodness all the way. This setup offers the fastest and most reliable internet connection possible. It’s like having a private motorway for your data, with no speed limits in sight!

Fibre broadband is the best of the best when it comes to internet connections. With lightning-fast speeds, rock-solid reliability, and the ability to handle anything you throw at it, it’s the future of the internet in Scotland and beyond. If you’re with BrawBand, you’re already ahead of the game – enjoying the full fibre experience that makes buffering a thing of the past.

If you’re not already with BrawBand, check out our packages here…  
